J.S. Logistics supports DRF air rescue and congratulates on its 50th anniversary

In March, DRF Air Rescue celebrates its 50th anniversary. In the last 50 yers, the DRF has completed more than one million rescue missions and has become one of Europe’s leading air rescue organizations.

Germany needs the DRF air rescue so that people in need can get help faster. J.S. Logistics has been supporting the non-profit organization for several years and we would like to congratulate the DRF on its 50th anniversary.

The tasks of the German Air Rescue include missions in winter, which are difficult due to the cold, snow and early darkness, or the return transport of sick people to Germany from distant countries such as Africa or Iceland. Further information on return transports and the difficulties in winter can be found in the current DRF report.

J.S. Logistics supports other projects and associations besides the DRF air rescue. You can read an excerpt of our social commitment on our website.

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