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J.S. Logistics has declared its commitment to cooperate with the Federal Agency for Commercial Transport (Bundesamt für Güterverkehr) in the provision of civil emergency services. We see this as part of our responsibility and belong to a strong network that ensures that the population is supplied with all necessities in the event of emergencies.

Logistics involves the task of ensuring regular and reliable supplies. This applies to the transport of goods between production centres and private businesses as well as supplies for the population.

The mobility requirements of the people must therefore be met and function properly even in the case of a crisis. The state has a particular duty to take precautionary measures for such emergency situations. On a legal basis, the voluntary transport and logistics companies are integrated into a strong emergency network and are centrally coordinated by the Federal Agency for Commercial Transport (Bundesamt für Güterverkehr – BAG) in the event of a catastrophe.

The Federal Transport Organisation (Transportorganisation des Bundes, TOB for short) is a coalition of approximately 600 transport and logistics companies in Germany. The BAG assumes the coordination of operational tasks to cover transportation needs within the framework of the transport organisation.

The Transport Services Act (VerkLG), the Transport Indemnification Act (VerkSiG) and the Basic Law form the fundamental legal basis for this. The ultimate goal is ensuring the provision of essential supplies for the population in the event of a defence situation or other crisis (e.g. a pandemic).

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