The necessity of reducing CO2 emissions has been gaining in significance in the transport and traffic industries. Beyond pure fuel reduction, measures such as the development of more efficient technology and environmentally-friendly fuels are getting more and more important. For a pilot project with environmentally friendly fuels in cooperation with euroShell Deutschland, we’ve decided to refuel our vehicles with BioLNG fuel. The BioLNG fuel is obtained from agricultural waste products and is a low-emission and environmentally friendly fuel with a high energy density.
In the last quarterly report, euroShell Deutschland confirmed the average savings in CO2 emissions through the use of BioLNG fuels. Filling our vehicles with one-hundred percent BioLNG helps to significantly minimize the CO2 footprint.
By using Shell BioLNG, we were able to save approximately 13 tonnes in CO2e emissions during the period from May to September, representing a CO2e reduction of approximately 85.6 percent compared to Diesel B7.
Not all fuel provides currently offer BioLNG in all of their petrol stations.
J.S. Logistics intends to primarily use the organic fuel for refuelling in the long term.
We are also using modern vehicle technology and forward-looking transport methods to further limit CO2 consumption. We are continuing to reduce our company’s CO2 output and are playing our part in positively addressing climate change. As part of this conviction, the use of BioLNG in our vehicles is a real advantage – for us, our customers and most importantly for the environment.
For more information about BioLNG and its CO2 savings potential, you can read this article from Evonik and Shell.
You will find additional information on our LNG Vehicle Fleet here.